Women on the front lines of combat is a contentious issue for the United States Marine Corps and Army, with more than 200,000 jobs for military occupational specialties still closed to women in those two sectors of the armed services.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, a captivating and witty show with a sense of humor and sophistication, is a perfect choice to introduce San Antonio’s audiences to the new company.
While beauty may be one attribute of a work of art, it is rare nowadays to see that word in a critical context. And yet, at the McNay Museum of Art, curator René Paul Barilleaux has organized a 13-person group exhibition around the topic.
Pace Gems, the inaugural exhibit at the Linda Pace Foundation’s SPACE, presents highlights from the extensive contemporary art collection assembled by the late San Antonio artist and founder of Artpace.
“The main question was: after eight years of doing the work we have done, and achieving some success, what is the next cycle? How do we keep improving?
It has been a busy year for Patricia Ruiz-Healy, who made the leap last fall from showing art in a house by appointment only to an East Olmos Drive gallery, only to move next door in the spring.