Fingers hover over lips and breasts, hair cascades over and around faces, kisses are blown and shared, pleasure is given and received: Ghada Amer’s ceramic sculptures shiver with ecstatic encounter.
Avant Chamber Ballet opens its seventh season with an ambitious collaboration with the Verdigris Ensemble for a stunning production of The Little Match Girl Passion, David Lang’s haunting choral adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, “The Little Match Girl.”
At Dallas’s Nasher Sculpture Center through Jan. 6, The Nature of Arp considers Jean (Hans) Arp’s diverse production through his processes, linking them to the processes of the natural world.
Being a sister is complicated.
In 1961, the year Ida O’Keeffe died, her sister wrote, “In some odd way, it is a wasted life.”
That sister, Georgia, would be the one the world remembered.
As you come around the entrance to Margaret Meehan's Conduit Gallery exhibition, Hope is the Thing with Feathers (through Nov. 24), a concrete cast of a tree stump sits facing the pink parachute installation in the center of the room.
The Dallas Opera's production of The Flying Dutchman, beautifully conducted by Emmanuel Villaume and under the direction of chorus master Alexander Rom and stage director Christopher Alden, takes 1930s-era Germany as its visual and conceptual stage.
Concentrations 61: Entremundos, on view at the Dallas Museum of Art through Feb. 17, 2019, is the first solo museum exhibition in the United States by Swiss and Brazilian-based artist Runo Lagomarsino, although he has shown work throughout the country.
As more instances of sexual harassment and abuse of power are being uncovered, especially in the theatrical community, more companies are realizing they need an important addition to their creative team: an intimacy director.