For the first time in its history, Conduit Gallery has devoted its entire space —two large rooms and a small project gallery — to the work of a single artist.
According to the proverbial mission statement, the function of a given city’s contemporary art space is to exhibit the work of young, emerging artists from the area, and to proffer artistic experimentation therein. Let us consider this to be the face of things.
Click. A key turns, unexpectedly. Locked in? Panic rises as the clock keeps time. Alone and defenseless, the mind runs wild with what horrific end one might meet;
If the title character of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan existed before the beloved story begins, he might have been a nameless boy in the bowels of a boat caught in the crossfire of warring pirates. That’s the story of Peter and the Starcatcher, a winsome play touring the country and still enjoying a successful run on Broadway.