Over the years a few things happen when you write about local art— the most basic being that you become familiar with local work (and occasionally with the artists who make it).
The last time anyone thought about masculine stereotypes in the art world was when, inspired by the obtuse adjacencies of Time-Life magazine cut-outs on the floor, Richard Prince re-photographed pictures of male models in the late 1970s.
México Inside Out: Themes in Art Since 1990 is a tour de force of ambiguity. As a show with work by 23 artists connected to Mexico it runs the risk of being a politically-correct art-ghetto based on geographical stereotypes.
With 13 curators and about 70 artists, the TX 13 Group Survey Exhibition is a cacophony of sounds, images and styles that tries for the first time to jam all the artists selected in a statewide open call for the Texas Biennial into a single space — the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum.
The Book of Mormon is the most over-hyped Broadway musical of the last decade. But no doubt you’ll still be laughing about it to your friends long after the touring musical leaves Texas.
The logo of the Undermain Theatre adorns a sandwich board at the edge of the Deep Ellum neighborhood in Dallas. The lone black and yellow marker beckons curious theatergoers to venture below Main Street for shows they can't see anywhere else.
Undermain Theatre celebrates its 30th year with a lineup of three brand new plays, continuing its lifelong commitment to presenting original plays that challenge audiences. Whether it's an edgy new work by David Rabe or a scintillating production of August Strindberg or Harold Pinter, the consistently high quality of work at the Undermain Theatre is unrivaled in the local scene.
Jessica Lang paints movements in broad strokes, making her one of the most visually exciting choreographers in the dance world.
Houston's Society of Performing Arts presents Jessica Lang Dance (JLD) on Sept. 20, following the TITAS presentation in Dallas on Sept. 14.