Incredible India!
Following only a week after the latest Bollywood Blast programming, Samskriti’s Incredible India! event at Miller Outdoor Theatre on September 8 showcased two energetic dance troupes from India, one traditional, one contemporary: NADAM (Nathan Academy for Dance and Music), and Stem Dance Kampni. The operative word of the night [...]
Doug Varone: One Step Ahead
Award-winning choreographer and director Doug Varone works in dance, diagnosis theater, opera, film, television, and fashion. He is...
Gaudium Dance: Bringing Joy
Gina Lee and her newish outfit of dancers, the Gaudium Dance Company, are set to premiere their first...
Up a Wall
SPA brings Deborah Colker’s Mix to Houston Society for Performing Arts brings Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker performing their signature work, Mix, on October 12 at Jones Hall. In Mix, an enormous wall becomes a second floor as her über-strong dancer/athletes carry out Colker’s imaginative movement on the vertical plane. Houston audiences [...]
Frame Dance Productions’ The Black Space
Fresh Arts Coalition’s claustrophobic Spacetaker Gallery made a perfect setting for Frame Dance Productions’ The Black Space, a dance/film/installation work about sorrow and forgiveness choreographed by Lydia Hance. With mascara-dripping eyes, Hance, Kristen Frankiewicz and Jacquelyne Boe each took to the corners [...]
Review: Women@Art
Houston Ballet Women@Art September 20-30, 2012 The lady dance-makers rocked the Wortham during Houston Ballet’s Women@Art, an evening...
Review: Madame Butterfly
Amy Fote commands the stage as Cio-Cio San in Houston Ballet’s season opener, Madame Butterfly. With Fote’s imminent retirement later this fall, the radiant principal is cherishing every last arabesque, as demonstrated in her masterful performance. There is a completeness present, as if each corner of the choreography has been [...]
Power and Paradox
Liz Gerring Dance Company in she dreams in code Ideas on precision, physicality and athleticism surface in looking...
Review: NobleMotion Spitting Ether
Lights flash, arc, blind, blink. Arms, legs, faces appear, disappear. Shadows bend, swallow, haunt.
Spitting Ether: A Reality Bending Dance, created in collaboration by NobleMotion Dance and lighting designer David J. Deveau, is an evening of light and dance, yes, but perhaps the strongest element of the show is shadow [...]
High Altitude Dancing
Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Returns to the SPA stage Imagine a ballet company that exists in two cities,...
Front and Center
Houston Ballet Celebrates Women Choreographers “Ballet is woman,” Balanchine famously proclaimed. Oh really? Some, women in particular, might think differently. Balanchine refers to the supreme role of the ballerina, which is indeed an exalted position in the field. Things did not work out so well when it came to positions of leadership, though [...]