Resistance can and does take many forms. For artist Raychael Stine, it often takes the shape of a dachshund—an unconventional surrogate of sorts that helps her defend the value of sentimentality in the context of contemporary art
What’s the most memorable encounter you’ve had with an artwork in an airport? For the purposes of this discussion, if you know the artist who made it well enough to be happy that she got the commission, it doesn’t count.
it wasn’t until the cold night air hit me as I left the theater that I realized director Jason Nodler had just given me the theatrical equivalent of a flu shot.
Wendy Perron has led a distinguished life as a writer, editor, choreographer and dancer, which included dancing with the seminal post-modern choreographer Trisha Brown.
This year, the Houston Cinema Arts Festival (HCAF) added two extra days to their festival called “Spotlight on Houston”, which highlighted local filmmakers.
Sometimes when a piece of theater challenges me, I look for answers in the play’s title. So soon after seeing the Mildred’s Umbrella regional premiere of Carnival Round the Central Figure, I sought meaning from carnivals.