Next Chapter: The New Stewards of Fort Worth’s Amphibian Stage to Continue Commitment to New and Underrepresented Works
Performania: Hard Hats for the Arts Nancy Wozny·September 30, 2015I never miss a hard hat tour. I enjoy seeing a building come together, much the way I love seeing a dance take shape in rehearsal. Performania
Performania: Dance Finds a Home in the Visual Arts Nancy Wozny·August 21, 2015Dance is more often situating itself within a visual arts setting.Performania
Performania: The Artist Talk as Theater Nancy Wozny·July 7, 2015When Nathaniel Donnett was wheeled in laying inside a coffin at the CAMH for his artist talk, In Memory of... as part of his installation, Nothing to See Hear in Right Here, Right Now: Houston, I wondered how the talking part was going to pan out.Performania
Performania: Texcentricity Nancy Wozny·May 27, 2015We throw the word “place” around a lot in the arts, probably too much.Performania
Performania: Facebook becomes Artbook Nancy Wozny·April 16, 2015On any given day, you can find me asking, begging and sometimes groveling, for you to click on a story. Performania
Performania: Recent Adventures in Art/Science/Health Nancy Wozny·March 25, 2015If I haven't returned your email, my apologies. I'm walking all the time now, to prevent Alzheimer’s. Performania
Performania: Impresarios Among Us Nancy Wozny·March 2, 2015I have a slight Diaghilev complex.DanceMusicPerformaniaTheaterVisual Art
Performania: In Praise of Pop Ups Nancy Wozny·February 2, 2015The phrase “pop-up” entered our vocabulary a while back and refers to just about anythingDancePerformaniaVisual Art
Performania: Leaving the Arts Cave Nancy Wozny·December 17, 2014Janet Biggs Can’t Find My Way Home, 2014 Four-channel video, high-definition video installation with sound, approximately 8:35 minutes...Performania
Music in Houston: Playing Well Together Nancy Wozny·October 10, 2014If you are worried about classical music dying off, chances are good that you are not from Texas. HoustonMusicPerformania
Friday Night Lights + Art Nancy Wozny·August 27, 2014A year ago, in this very space, I pronounced, “If anyone is going to make a sports/arts connection, it’s Texans.” Boom, it’s happeningPerformania