I, for one, have become rather cynical when it comes to movie-inspired musicals. Even if they’re done well, I end up comparing them to the original film or wondering: Have we really run out of new stories to tell?
“I’m sorry you made bad choices,” Mike says to Marge (pronounced with a hard ‘g’) in the second act of David Lindsay-Abaire’s Good People, which runs through June 29 at Addison, Texas’ WaterTower Theatre.
Being a playwright is no easy undertaking. Even if you’ve mastered the discipline it takes to just sit down and write a play—nothing to sneeze at—your real work has only just begun.
“There is always untapped creativity,” states David Lozano, Cara Mia’s Artistic Director, giving voice to an observation that is unfortunately all too true.
“The main question was: after eight years of doing the work we have done, and achieving some success, what is the next cycle? How do we keep improving?
The Dallas Theater Center’s (DTC) production of Sherlock Holmes, The Final Adventure, through May 25, begins as a policeman catches the news of Sherlock Holmes’ death from a passerby but, as we all know from Holmes himself, “nothing and no one is who they seem.”