The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth will give Texas art lovers a new and unique perspective on the complex genius with the exhibition Goya in Black and White, Oct. 7-Jan. 6, 2019.
In 1992, two young local artists, Robert Herrera and Oscar Cortez, began transforming a 700-square foot wall section around the Holly Street Power Plant in East Austin into a spray-painted story of identity, pride, and community.
“It is not an acropolis we want there. It is not Culture on a corner. I think of the new museum building as a stage environment to house the multimedia in which artists of today are working.”
Julia Barbosa Landois and I sit under the marginally-less sweltering awning of a Houston coffee shop on one of the first truly furnace-like days of the year, discussing her fears.
Extending nearly 2,000 miles from the state of Texas, though Southwestern New Mexico, along the southern edge of Arizona to California, and all the way to the Pacific Ocean, the border of the United States and Mexico is a massive, expansive region.