A death in the family, the loss of a home, a call to leave a familiar position or job and head out alone are the kinds of dramatic life changes all of us, including artists and companies, are likely face sooner or later.
Andy and Dionne Sparkman Noble celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the company NobleMotion Dance with Vortex on Aug. 25-25 at The Hobby Center’s Zilkha Hall.
The current TITAS season comes to a close this month with performances by the long-running American dance companies Alonzo King LINES Ballet (June 9) and Parsons Dance (June 30) before the Dallas dance presenter launches its 2018-19 offerings later this summer.
“Where are you going?” asked Dallas’s favorite classical DJ Amy Bishop, as I was heading straight into Meyerson Symphony Center, which would have been great had I been planning to go see Jaap van Zweden in one of his final concerts.