The intensity of the dancing proved the most striking aspect of Zoe|Juniper’s “A Crack in Everything,” and that’s saying a lot, as the installation, spanning photography and video designed by Juniper Shuey, [...]
In an empty second floor retail loft in the Houston Pavilions, Hope Stone Dance Company has set up a pastiche of dining room table chairs settees and carpet squares flanking a portable [...]
HOUSTON BALLET’S ARTISTIC DIRECTOR, Stanton Welch wasted no time ascending to world renown as a choreographer. Once he got started, that is. Most dancers expect to spend years in the studio and on the stage before moving on to a choreographic career. [...]
WHEN THAT TRANSLUCENT WHITE umbrella floats on stage during Alvin Ailey’s masterwork “Revelations” during Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s return to the Society for the Performing Arts Jones’ Hall stage on March 2–4, it will be a historic occasion. [...]