THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, GEORGE Hawkins dreamed of a place where African-American actors and artists could practice and perfect their craft. With no physical space available for such an endeavor back in 1976, Hawkins stuffed the trunk of his car with props and costumes and caravanned with other performers around Houston [...]
THIS SPRING, THE CONTEMPORARY Arts Museum Houston hosts the nationally touring exhibition “The Deconstructive Impulse: Women Artists Reconfigure the Signs of Power, 1973- 1991” on view until April 15. Helaine Posner, co-curator of the exhibition and chief curator/deputy director for curatorial affairs at the Neuberger Museum of Art [...]
AURORA PICTURE SHOW HAS received support from the Andy Warhol Foundation to attend the Arthouse Convergence, an annual gathering of art house operators and industry leaders to get together and share successes and challenges of running independent cinemas, that is presented in collaboration [...]
Executive director Becky Tobin is the one-woman show behind the scenes at the Houston Chamber Choir. A+C visited with Tobin to get an inside view of her life running the city’s only professional choir. [...]
January 6-28 “Joseph Cohen: Paintings from Italy” Wade Wilson Art JOSEPH COHEN BENDS THE LINE between concretion of materials and sublimity in presence. His work could be summed up in the trite statement “it is what it is” but this doesn’t elucidate why even the most unlikely [...]