Next Chapter: The New Stewards of Fort Worth’s Amphibian Stage to Continue Commitment to New and Underrepresented Works
Love, Brutality, Sacrifice, and Regret: Houston Grand Opera’s Vivid Die Walküre Steven Brown·April 21, 2015Die Walküre opened Saturday night at Wortham Theater Center.HoustonMusic
Fusing Opera and Mariachi: HGO presents El Pasado Nunca Se Termina Steven Brown·April 17, 2015It's springtime 1910, and night has come to a Mexican hacienda.HoustonMusic
Merging Music: Dallas Symphony’s Soluna Festival Takes Flight JOHN DeMERS·April 13, 2015The first-ever Soluna International Musical and Arts Festival is upon us.Dallas/Ft WorthEditor's PicksMusic
Ars Lyrica Closes the Season with Alexander’s Feast Nancy Wozny·April 1, 2015Nancy Wozny visits with Ars Lyrica artistic director Matthew Dirst on Handel, Baroque dance and what's in store for the 2015/2016 season.DanceHoustonMusic
“A Living, Breathing, Human Journey” ELIZABETH BAISLEY·March 19, 2015Wagner’s Ring at Houston Grand OperaHoustonMusic
The Little Prince & More ADAM CASTAÑEDA·March 16, 2015Unchambered with Matt Dane and Christina Jennings at ROCOHoustonMusic
Performania: Impresarios Among Us Nancy Wozny·March 2, 2015I have a slight Diaghilev complex.DanceMusicPerformaniaTheaterVisual Art
Great Heights of Music Jennifer Smart·February 3, 2015Everest and La Wally at Dallas Opera Dallas/Ft WorthMusic
Commissioning in Texas: ROCO Nancy Wozny·January 22, 2015Houston-based River Oaks Chamber Orchestra (ROCO) has commissioned 43 works in their ten-year historyHoustonMusic
The ACTX Top Ten: January 2015 Jennifer Smart·January 7, 2015Our top picks for visual and performing arts events across Texas for January 2015.DanceMusicTop TenVisual Art
16 Standouts of the Fall 2014 Season Nancy Wozny·December 19, 2014Another year has come and gone on the Texas cultural landscape and I was there for some, not all, of what happened. DanceMusicTheater