Cultural Warrior: Kenn McLaughlin admin·November 27, 2011Talking a mile a minute with hands waving, troche Stages chief Kenn McLaughlin, drug charges up his audience...Cultural WarriorHoustonTheater
Above Board at Undermain admin·November 18, 2011Don’t let her worn jeans tucked into high top cowboy boots fool you. Behind the Odessa native’s soft-...Dallas/Ft WorthTheater
The Puppet Lady admin·November 8, 2011Kathy didn’t choose to go into puppetry. The puppets chose her. The founder and artistic director of Kathy...Dallas/Ft WorthTheater
Word on the Street Holly Beretto·October 15, 2011Main Street Theater Shines in its Third Decade Rebecca Greene Udden bustles up the stairs of Main...HoustonTheater
Theater, BooTown Style admin·October 15, 2011October 29 “A Bloody Puppet Show” Caroline Collective A puppet show with a blood cannon. A play...HoustonTheater