Charles L. Davis II, an associate professor of architectural history and criticism at UT Austin's School of Architecture, researches the relationship between race and place.
“I was thinking about young Native artists and what would be inspirational and important for them as a road map,” said Wendy Red Star, curator of Native America: In Translation.
While the 2023-2024 Broadway touring season still has big productions left for Texas cities, we’ve also entered our favorite time of year, season announcement season.
Arts lovers headed to performances know the drill: Enter the theater, settle into your seat and wait for the house lights to go down. Musicians, actors or dancers materialize onstage, and your adventure begins.
Ballet Austin’s artistic director Stephen Mills remembers the time from his early professional career when concert dancers fell into one of two camps: ballet or modern.
Think back to your first museum visit. For many of us, it was probably as a child during a school field trip or on a summer afternoon with a parent, and we probably received stern instructions to keep our voices down and to not touch anything while inside the gallery.