For a while, many dancers and choreographers had no other outlet: The pandemic shutdowns cut them off from live audiences, so they showcased their work to online viewers on video.
One bustling summer stands between Marlana Doyle and a milestone—the 5th season for Houston Contemporary Dance Company (HCDC) and the Institute of Contemporary Dance in Houston, two organizations she founded in 2019.
Photography has been ever present in the life of Ming Smith. A hobby of her father’s, cameras weren’t anything new when Smith picked one up, but the appeal was a slow burn.
Houston Grand Opera’s 2023-24 season is nothing short of epic. “We are producing some of the grandest and most mature artistic works in the repertoire all in one season,” says Khori Dastoor, HGO General Director and CEO. “Verdi’s last opera, Wagner’s last opera, late Mozart—these pieces are Mount Everest, each one of them.”
“You’ve just got to keep moving,” says Theatre Under The Stars artistic director, Dan Knechtges, when I asked him what lessons he’s learned about programming the company through several years of theater under crisis.
A blue day dawns at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Such was my first thought stepping into the welcoming light and waves of blue in the Art of the Islamic Worlds Galleries.
Houstonians have experienced the magic of Miller Outdoor Theatre for 100 years now. What is it about this place that tugs on the heart strings, and turns shared moments into lasting memories?
Launched in 1993 as a showcase for a single performer, it has evolved into an annual contest that offers $40,000 in prize money to aspiring musicians aged 18 to 32.