Uncharted Waters Coming to Anya Tish Gallery June 2013

The works of Joan Hall and Paul Booker will be featured in a unique 2 person exhibition in conjunction with PrintHouston 2013.

Joan Hall Would You Swim the Ocean to Ease My Pain, 2007 Mixed Media, print on paper and Mylar. 105 x 151 inches.
Joan Hall
Would You Swim the Ocean to Ease My Pain, 2007
Mixed Media, print on paper and Mylar.
105 x 151 inches.

Delving into the uncharted area between printmaking and sculpture, Uncharted Waters presents an alternative use of printmaking by integrating prints and found objects into wall-dependent sculptures. Both, Hall and Booker, draw their inspiration from the patterns found within nature that is reflected in their works of juxtaposing dimensions: Booker’s intimate objects alongside Hall’s monumental installations.

Joan Hall has long been concerned with the advanced deterioration of our natural environment. An avid sailor, Hall uses her vast nautical knowledge as inspiration for her large, wall-spanning sculptures that combine the beauty of nature with the elements that threaten to devastate it. Mixed media composed of resin, plastic and marine debris collected from the ocean is intertwined with digital prints on Mylar in an arduous process – occasionally requiring the hacking of materials.

The intimate sculptural pieces of Paul Booker, although initially appear as architectural structures, recall organic origins within nature’s choreography: flocks of birds, swarms of ants and schools of fish. Booker begins his process by printing hand-drawn designs onto individual strips of transparent Lexan. These strips are held together in a complex layering process using hundreds of pins traditionally used for the preservation of insects. Each completed work is a visual dichotomy of fluid motion projecting from the wall with a two-dimensional shadow cast through the transparent material it is constructed from.

Opening Reception:

May 31, 2013
6 – 8 PM

On View:

May 31 – June 30, 2013

For more info visit anyatishgallery.com